Martini, Svein and Montain, Scott J and Gundersen, Yngvar and McClung, James P > Peptider or Trening or Blod > 2013-01-01T00:00:00Z
1 result
  • Articles Effects of a 7-days military training exercise on inflammatory biomarkers, serum hepcidin, and iron status

    McClung, James P, Martini, Svein, Murphy, Nancy E, Montain, Scott J, Margolis, Lee M, Thrane, Ingjerd, Spitz, Marissa G, Blatny, Janet Martha, Young, Andrew J, Gundersen, Yngvar, Pasiakos, Stefan M

    McClung, James P; Martini, Svein; Murphy, Nancy E; Montain, Scott J; Margolis, Lee M; Thrane, Ingjerd; Spitz, Marissa G; Blatny, Janet Martha; Young, Andrew J; Gundersen, Yngvar; Pasiakos, Stefan M. Effects of a 7-day military training exercise on inflammatory biomarkers, serum hepcidin, and iron status. Nutrition Journal 2013 ;Volum 12.(141) s. -