International Workshop on Munitions and Environment, Lillestrøm, Norway 14-16 May 2008

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The report is a summary of the International Workshop on Munitions and Environment that was hosted by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment at Hotel Arena in Lillestrøm, Norway 14-16 May 2008. Twenty four participants from Canada (Defence Research and Development Canada and National Scientific Research Institute), Finland (Finnish Defence Forces Technical Research Centre and The Construction Establishment of Defence Administration), Norway (FFI and The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency), Sweden (Swedish Defence Research Agency) and The Netherlands (TNO defence), United Kingdom (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, Porton Down) attended the meeting. The main objectives of the workshop were to gain knowledge of ongoing research in other countries, to facilitate a closer collaboration between the countries, and to agree on strategies for future collaboration. Topics that were discussed included environmental levels and distribution, toxicity and exposure, risk assessment and remediation of pollutants. The emphases were on explosives, metals and pyrotechnics. Acknowledgments are given to the organizing committee, which comprised of Dr Øyvind Albert Voie, Ms. Tove Engen Karsrud and head of department Mr. Kjetil Sager Longva from FFI.
Rapporten er et sammendrag av "International Workshop on Munitions and Environment” som ble arrangert av FFI på Hotell Arena i Lillestrøm fra 14 til 16 mai, 2008. Det var i alt 24 deltakere fra Canada (Defence Research and Development Canada og National Scientific Research Institute), Finland (Finnish Defence Forces Technical Research Centre og The Construction Establishment of Defence Administration), Sverige (FOI), Nederland (TNO), og England (Dstl, Porton Down). Hovedmålet med workshopen var å få en oversikt over arbeid innen feltet ”ammunisjon og miljø” i andre land, å stimulere til tettere samarbeid mellom landene, og å bli enige om strategier for hvordan man bør samarbeide. Temaer som ble diskutert inkluderte nivåer av forurensninger i miljøet, toksisitet og eksponering, risikovurdering og opprydningstiltak. Av typer forurensninger ble det lagt vekt på eksplosiver, metaller og stoffer fra pyroteknikk. Arrangementkomitéen bestod av forsker Øyvind Albert Voie, forsker Tove Engen Karsrud, og prosjektleder Kjetil Sager Longva fra FFI.
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