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Now showing items 21-40 of 2965
Abstracts from The Cold Weather Operations Conference 2021
(2022-03-11)A common effort for both military and civil healthcare is to achieve knowledge-based health care in cold weather injuries and fatal accidents in harsh arctic environment. The Cold Weather Operations Conference in November ... -
Accumulation of copper and lead in ruminants grazing on a contaminated shooting range in Nordland County, Norway
(2024)Shooting ranges contain copper (Cu) and lead (Pb) contamination, which can be a risk for grazing ruminants. This study examines the accumulation of lead and copper in blood of lambs and calves, as well as in the liver of ... -
Accumulation of lead (Pb) in brown trout (Salmo trutta) from a lake downstream a former shooting range
(2017)An environmental survey was performed in Lake Kyrtjønn, a small lake within an abandoned shooting range in the south of Norway. In Lake Kyrtjønn the total water concentrations of Pb (14 µg/L), Cu (6.1 µg/L) and Sb (1.3 ... -
Achieving Sub-Pixel Platform Accuracy With Pan-Tilt-Zoom Cameras in Uncertain Times
(2024-11-28)In this paper, we present a novel method for selfcalibrating a pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) camera system model, specifically suited for long-range multi-target tracking with maneuvering low-cost PTZ cameras. Traditionally, such ... -
Acoustic seabed classification using QTC IMPACT on single-beam echo sounder data from the Norwegian Channel, northern North Sea
(2013)Sediment mapping is important for understanding the physical processes, the impact of human activity, and the conditions for marine life on the seabed. For this purpose, the seabed classification tool QTC IMPACT analyses ... -
Active spacecraft potential control investigation
(2014)In tenuous plasma the floating potential of sunlit spacecraft reaches tens of volts, positive. The corresponding field disturbs measurements of the ambient plasma by electron and ion sensors and can reduce micro-channel ... -
Ad hoc networks used in emergency networks : the Trust Metric Routing approach
(2006)Mobile wireless ad hoc networks have characteristics, which intuitively make them well suited for utilization in search and rescue operations. This report discusses and describes how mobile wireless ad hoc networks will ... -
Adapting OLSR for WSNs (iOLSR) Using Locally Increasing Intervals
(2012)Proactive link state routing protocols, popular within the Mobile Ad hoc NETwork framework, have not been as successful in wireless sensor networks. This is mainly due to the extensive energy usage by control traffic ... -
Adapting Web Services for Limited Bandwidth Tactical Networks, published at the 12th ICCRTS
(2007)Web Services er i utstrakt bruk på Internett i dag, og hyllevare er lett tilgjengelig. Web Services blir vurdert som en grunnteknologi for Nettverksbasert Forsvar, og virker lovende fordi både synkrone og asynkrone ... -
Adaptive coded modulation under noisy channel state information and antenna diversity
(2007)Rapporten omhandler analyse og optimalisering av single-carrier adaptiv kodet modulasjonssystemer med antennediversitet hvor multidimensjonal trellis koder er brukt som komponentkoder. Både estimerings- og prediksjonsfeil ... -
Adaptive phase estimation filter in long range synthetic aperture sonar interferometry
(2023-05-15)Synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) interferometry is a technique for very high resolution imaging and mapping of the seabed. In SAS interferometry, the seabed depth estimation performance is a function of the system, the ... -
Adaptive suppression of smart jamming with FDA permutation
(2022-05-03)By adding a frequency increment to the carrier frequency of the pulses transmitted from an antenna array, it becomes possible to make the beam dependent on both frequency and range. This is called a frequency diverse ... -
Addisjonskrets for IEEE-754 flyttall : optimalisert for gjennomstrømning
(2000)This report conlains a description of a floating-point adder optimized for throughput rather than latecy. It is confirmed with lEEE-754 standard for binary floating-point arithmetic. The design is fully tested and ... -
Additiv produksjon av prototyper og reservedeler i felt : forsøk under Cold Response 2016
(2016-08-16)Utviklingen av additiv produksjonsteknologi, eller 3D-printing, begynte på 1980-tallet. Siden den tid har teknologien primært blitt benyttet innen prototyputvikling. Etterhvert som teknologien har blitt mer moden og ... -
Additiv tilvirkning mot 2045 – trender og implikasjoner for Forsvaret
(2022-01-31)Additiv tilvirkning – bedre kjent som «additive manufacturing» (AM) eller «3D-printing» – har i løpet av de siste tjue år vist seg å være en teknologi med et stort potensial til å påvirke industriog produksjonsvirksomhet. ... -
Adsorption and degradation of chemical warfare agents on oxides
(2011-11-10)The adsorption and degradation of chemical warfare agents and their simulants on oxides have been reviewed. As part of the work, the physics of adsorption and desorption phenomena have also been reviewed, together with ... -
Adsorption of simulants for chemical warfare agents on glass fibre reinforced nylon 6 studied by FTIR spectroscopy
(2013-01-10)The adsorption of vapours and liquids of triethyl phosphate (TEP), trimethyl phosphate (TMP), dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP), dichlorophosphate (MDCP) and phosphorus(V) oxychloride (TCP) on glass fibre reinforced nylon ... -
Adsorption performance of activated carbon towards toxic industrial chemicals
(2015-04-13)One of the main goals in the project “1238: CBRN-vern” was to extend the present-day knowledge on the current CBRN filter and respirator systems and their possible improvement, in order to give the Norwegian Armed Forces ... -
Advice from the Scientific Advisory Board of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons on riot control agents in connection to the Chemical Weapons Convention
(2018-12-19)Compounds that cause powerful sensory irritation to humans were reviewed by the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in response to requests in 2014 and 2017 ...