Browsing by Title
Now showing items 2585-2604 of 2965
Tackling terrorism together : potential benefits of civil-military cooperation in post-conflict territories : the Kosovo case
(2003)This report explores whether and how civil-military security cooperation in peace operations can be a resource in counter-terrorism by studying the international presence in Kosovo 1999-2002. The Kosovo terrorism scene ... -
Tactical Router Interoperability: Concepts and Experiments
(2018)Interoperability on the lower tactical levels, e.g. in a multinational battalion or team, poses challenges because of the high degree of mobility and limited data capacity at the tactical edge. Enabling such multi-national ... -
Taktisk radio i felteksperiment og metode for rekkeviddemåling for trådløs datakommunikasjon
(2010-03)Det er designet og implementert et kommunikasjonslag for utveksling av meldinger mellom enheter i ”Battlefield Management Systems” (BMS). ”User Datagram Protocol” (UDP) og ”Transmission Control Protocol” (TCP), over ”Internet ... -
Taktisk satellittkommunikasjon
(2001)This report discusses tactical satellite communications, specifically with respect to how Norwegian terrain influences operation of manpack terminals and small vehicular terminals. Special consideration is given to ... -
The Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - organization, leadership and worldview
(2010)The aim of this report is to get a better understanding of the Taliban movement and its role in the Afghan insurgency post-2001. The approach to this is three-fold: First, the report discusses the nature of the Afghan ... -
TALUS : users guide
(2000)This document is a Users Guide to the TALUS tactical air combat simulation model. It describes how to install and run the model. It also describes in a quite detailed manner how to define a scenario. The Users Guide is ... -
Target detection in radars using small neural networks
(2022-08-17)Target detection is an essential part of radar systems. An important objective in radar target detection is to satisfy two often contradictory requirements: a high probability of detection with a low false alarm rate. ... -
TAV - økt effektivitet i Forsvaret
(2010)Denne rapporten beskriver konsepter, teknologier og systemer som inngår i Total Asset Visibility (TAV) og hvordan disse delene danner grunnlaget for økt effektivitet i Forsvaret. TAV har som mål å skaffe til veie et ... -
TCP in MANETs - challenges and solutions
(2012-09-27)Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) have gained significant popularity through the last decade, not least due to the emergence of low cost technology and the pervasiveness of the IP protocol stack. The FFI-project 1175, ... -
Technical report on assessment of rumble inversion results (DE18)
(2004)The main goal of project RUMBLE has been to enhance our capability to predict active sonar detection ranges in shallow water. The idea is to measure ‘through-the-sensor’ the seabed characteristics that affects long-range ... -
Technological trends and their impact on defence planning
(2020-01-11)In this report on defence technology, FFI points to some of the technologies that have the greatest significance for the Norwegian Armed Forces, both in the short and long term. Technology is a pervasive phenomenon with ... -
Technologies for standoff detection of liquid warfare agents
(2011-10-20)The topic of this report is a review of technologies that can be used for standoff detection of chemical warfare agents in the liquid phase, with the aim to point out technologies that could be topic of a further study. ... -
Tek 14: Operasjon "Iraqi Freedom" : militærteknologiske betraktninger om kampene i Irak våren 2003
(2003)This report discusses selected military technology issues that were important during Operation Iraqi Freedom in Iraq 2003. The main elements pointing toward the future, were the use of UAVs, cruise missiles, precision ... -
TEK14: Militærteknologiske trender : oversiktsrapport 2004
(2005)This report gives a broad overview of important military technology trends in the Western World, as a basis for further work on possible future development paths for the Norwegian armed forces. Both platforms, communications, ... -
Tek14: stridskjøretøy for framtida : oversikt over utvalde utanlandske program
(2004)This report gives a brief overview of several combat vehicle programs for the future. Both vehicles on the brink of service and combat vehicle programs under development for later introduction are discussed. Some general ... -
Teknologi i fellesoperasjoner
(2016-12-14)Nye krav til teknologi og samhandling Prop. 151 S (2015–2016), kjent som Langtidsplanen for forsvarssektoren, understreker at Forsvaret i framtiden får behov for større reaksjonsevne og mobilitet av militære avdelinger. ... -
Teknologi, forsvar og forsvarsstrukturer
(2000)This report documents the work done under the Defense Analysis 2000 related to trends in technology development and how these trends may create new possibilities for cost effective systems and solutions in the force ... -
Teknologien Forsvaret trenger
(2016-05-27)Hva teknologi betyr for Forsvaret. Da FFI ble etablert i 1946, var det i erkjennelse av at den teknologiske utviklingen var og ville være svært viktig for Forsvaret. FFI skulle bidra til moderniseringen av Forsvaret, ...