Browsing by Title
Now showing items 1939-1958 of 2965
p-Adic Brownian Motion as a Limit of Discrete Time Random Walks
(2019-05-25)Abstract. The p-adic di usion equation is a pseudo di erential equation that is formally analogous to the real di usion equation. The fundamental solutions to pseudo di erential equations that generalize the p-adic di ... -
Pakistans kjernevåpenprogram
(2004)Pakistan is believed to have acquired its nuclear force by extensive import, smuggling, espionage and alleged assistance from China. The most important incident is presumed to be the espionage on enrichment centrifuge ... -
Parameter selection in a fully adaptive tracking radar
(2020-04-27)A fully adaptive radar framework has been proposed in recent publications, and this paper will implement the framework for a tracking radar. A set of cost functions are developed to balance the performance cost of the track ... -
Part I: Allied Warrior 2004 - pilot study and analysis of cross-cultural organizational issues
(2005)FFI-project 879 Network Based Defense in Operations aims to increase the understanding of the transformation of the Norwegian Armed Forces toward NBD, including both theoretical and empirical examinations of the concept, ... -
Part II: Allied Warrior 2004 - pilot study and analysis of cross-cultural organizational issues
(2006)FFI-project 879 Network Based Defense in Operations aims to increase the understanding of the transformation of the Norwegian Armed Forces toward NBD, including both theoretical and empirical examinations of the concept, ... -
Particle-resolved simulations of shock-induced flow through particle clouds at different Reynolds numbers
(2020-01-27)This study investigates the Reynolds-number dependence of shock-induced flow through stationary particle clouds at 10% volume fraction, using ensemble-averaged results from three-dimensional particle-resolved large eddy ... -
Passive LWIR hyperspectral imaging of surfaces contaminated by CWA droplets
(2019-05-17)A passive LWIR camera based on a focal plane array detector was used to capture hyperspectral images of different scenes where low volatile chemical warfare agent (CWA) and simulant droplets were deposited on a variety of ... -
Passive Radar detection of small UAV over sea
(2019-07-22)During a trial over the Trondheim-fjord in Norway fall 2018, aDVB-T based passive radar system was used for detecting a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) over sea. The measurements show a possible detection range of 1 ... -
Path Planning for UGVs Based on Traversability Hybrid A*
(2021-02-01)In this letter, a new method of path planning for unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) on terrain is developed. For UGVs moving on terrain, path traversability and collision avoidance are important factors. If traversability ... -
Pathologic Blood Samples Tolerate Exposure to Vibration and High Turbulence in Simulated Drone Flights, but Plasma Samples Should be Centrifuged after Flight
(2021-01-30)Objective. Most of the previous studies of drone transport of blood samples examined normal blood samples transported under tranquil air conditions. We studied the effects of 1- and 2-hour drone flights using random vibration ... -
Paths to global Jihad: Radicalisation and recruitment to terror networks - proceedings from a FFI seminar, Oslo, 15 March 2005
(2006)In order to effectively combat international terrorism, government authorities need to understand the process of recruitment to violent Islamist or jihadist movements. In this report, the Transnational Radical Islamism ... -
Pattern of Life – in a maritime military context
(2022-02-01)Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) has, on request from the Norwegian Joint Headquarters (NJHQ), conducted a study of “Pattern of Life (PoL)”. The expression Pattern of Life (PoL) has been used for some years ... -
Payload charging events in the mesosphere and their impact on Langmuir type electric probes
(2013)Three sounding rockets were launched from Andøya Rocket Range in the ECOMA campaign in December 2010. The aim was to study the evolution of meteoric smoke particles during a major meteor shower. Of the various instruments ... -
Påvirkes fisk og skalldyr av dumpet ammunisjon? – en undersøkelse i fire dumpefelt for krigsetterlatenskaper
(2021-09-09)FFI har undersøkt innhold av ammunisjonsrelaterte stoffer i fisk og skalldyr fanget i dumpefelt for ammunisjon, for å kartlegge opptak og risiko ved konsum. Det er gjort fangst av biota i Malangen, Skjerstadfjorden, ... -
Påvirkning og robusthet på sosiale medier –resultater og erfaringer fra piloteksperiment
(2023-01-27)Uønsket og fiendtlig påvirkning gjennom digitale medier representerer en sentral trussel mot norsk sikkerhet ifølge EOS (etterretnings-, overvåkings- og sikkerhets)-tjenestene. Mer kunnskap om de psykologiske faktorene som ... -
Påvirkningsoperasjoner i sosiale medier - oversikt og utfordringer
(2020-06-17)Formålet med denne rapporten er todelt: å gi en omfattende oversikt over hvordan stater bruker sosiale medier for å prøve å påvirke befolkningen i andre land, og å undersøke hvordan slike operasjoner har blitt håndtert. ... -
Påvisning av biologiske stridsmidler ved bruk av real-time PCR
(2004)Genetic methods are nowadays considered indispensable for identification of microorganisms. Such methods are used in the field of food safety, clinical diagnostics of humans and animals and for identification of biological ... -
Påvisning av biologiske trusselstoffer - et studium av teknologier og metoder for bruk i Forsvaret
(2005)This report describes various methods for detection and identification of biological (B) threat agents and different technical devices that may be used for military purposes. Various approaches may be used for B-detection ... -
Påvisning av biologiske trusselstoffer - teknologiinnspill til FS 07
(2006)This report describes various methods for detection and identification of biological (B) threat agents and different technical devices that may be used for military purposes. Various approaches may be used for B-detection ...