Browsing by Title
Now showing items 1728-1747 of 2965
Nanosatellites in low earth orbits for satellite communications
(2018-01-17)In this study we consider the feasibility of utilising nanosatellites in low Earth orbits for continuous broadband communications in Norway and the Arctic. The objective was to investigate whether smaller and less costly ... -
Nanoteknologi - en innføring
(2005)This report provides an introduction to many aspects that are associated with nanotechnology. Generally, it is expected that nanotechnology will find its way into many products, both on the civilian and the military market. ... -
NATO and the changing nature of the transatlantic security community
(2007)NATOs rolle som både en politisk og en militær allianse har blitt svekket de seneste årene. Den unilateralistiske dreiningen i amerikansk utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk, utviklingen av EU i retning av større autonomi i ... -
NATO armaments ballistic kernel : tilpasninger for bruk i Odin2
(2003)The NATO Armaments Ballistic Kernel is a sharable software package for NATO. The software package contains functionality to calculate ballistics and firing data for artillery and mortars (ammunition using point mass model ... -
NATO Core Services profiling for Hybrid Tactical Networks -Results and Recommendations
(2021-07-21)The NATO Research Task Group IST-150 "NATO Core Services profiling for Hybrid Tactical Networks" had Federated Mission Networking (FMN) as the main context and motivation for its work. IST-150 intended to investigate Core ... -
NATO Federated Coalition Cloud with Kubernetes: A National Prototype Perspective
(2021-10)In NATO, the IST-168 research task group (RTG) “Adaptive Information Processing and Distribution To Support Command and Control” aims to investigate cloud computing at the tactical edge from a coalition force perspective. ... -
NATO fra bolverk til nettverk
(2001)The purpose of the report is to analyse the challenges of globalisation to NATO. The report is divided into four main topics. The first describes the changes in NATO’s surroundings (part 2) and in NATO itself (part 3). The ... -
NATO JRP electronic MCM NO phase 1 report - sensor technology
(2006)This report is the Norwegian contribution in the first phase of the NATO Joint Research Project "03C-3 Mine Models for MCM". It describes modern sensor technologies relevant for the evaluation of a future mine threat ... -
NATO Narrowband Waveform (NBWF) - performance analysis of complex networks
(2015-04-09)NATO is in the process of finishing edition 1 of the narrowband waveform (NBWF) STANAGs 5630 to 5633. NBWF provides ground-to-ground communication between troops/platforms at the tactical battlefield using the military ... -
NATO Narrowband Waveform (NBWF) - multilevel-level precedence and preemption for IP traffic
(2012-10-22)NATO has an ongoing activity with the objective to develop a narrowband waveform (NBWF) standard. This is a single-channel mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) which shall serve voice traffic and data traffic over a 25 kHz radio ... -
NATO Narrowband Waveform (NBWF) - network layer flow control protocols
(2013-07-24)NATO has an ongoing activity with the objective to develop a narrowband waveform (NBWF) standard for the VHF/UHF band. This is a single-channel mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) which shall serve voice and data traffic ... -
NATO Narrowband Waveform (NBWF) - overview of link layer design
(2011-03-28)This report is an updated and final version of a draft report distributed to the NC3B SC/6 AHWG/2 in September 2009. We have kept the same report number in order to avoid confusion. In coalition operations NATO has a ... -
NATO NEC C2 Maturity Model (N2C2M2) og utviklingen av et nettverksbasert forsvar (NbF)
(2010)NATO Network Enabled Capability Command and Control Maturity Model (forkortet N2C2M2) er en modell utviklet av Nato RTO gruppen SAS-065. Modellen bør få stor betydning for den videre utforsking og utvikling av kommando og ... -
Nato standards for HF communications : an overview and technical description
(2004)During the 1990's many STANAG's (Standard Agreements) on HF communications were developed and agreed upon within NATO. The standards cover the lowest layers of the OSI model containing radio functionality, modem waveforms, ... -
NATO, the renewed emphasis on Article V and the EU's common defence and solidarity clauses - an analysis of the changing nature of the transatlantic security community
(2012-05-23)The aim of the report is to study the interplay between NATO as a security community in a Deutschian sense, and alliance solidarity in perspective of NATO’s common defence clause. One of the main arguments is that NATO ... -
NATO-utvidelse i et norsk perspektiv
(2001)The main aim of this report is to analyse the process of NATO enlargement with a specific view on Norwegian interests and security perceptions. This report consists of four parts. In the first one, recent developments in ... -
Naval sonar disrupts foraging in humpback whales
(2016)Modern long-range naval sonars are a potential disturbance for marine mammals and can cause disruption of feeding in cetaceans. We examined the lunge-feeding behaviour of humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae before, ... -
"Navigating in the fog of peace" - bakgrunnen for og betydningen av stabiliseringsoperasjoner
(2008)Militære operasjoner har endret karakter de siste 15-20 årene. Fredsbevarende operasjoner i FN-regi og militære operasjoner i nasjonal- eller allianseregi ble tidligere sett på som to klart adskilte ting, noe som ikke ... -
A NavLab 4 Configuration Framework (CF) to Automatically Verify and Inspect Configurations (INI-files)
(2023-09-21)NavLab 4 is a highly configurable simulation and post-processing tool for navigation. While this configurability is a key strength, its complexity can make it difficult even for advanced users to create functional and ... -
NavLab : overview and user guide November 2003
(2003)NavLab (Navigation Laboratory) is a powerful and versatile tool intended for navigation system research and development. The main emphasis during the development has been a solid theoretical foundation with a stringent ...