Browsing by Title
Now showing items 1160-1179 of 2965
ICE worx – Senter for innovasjon, konseptutvikling og eksperimentering
(2021-04)ICE worx er et felles innovasjonssenter for aktørene i forsvarssektoren. Her skal forskere og ingeniører samarbeide med norske teknologibedrifter og militære avdelinger i Forsvaret om å teste og utvikle ny teknologi som ... -
Icing and wind – implications and mitigations in high-intensity, safety-critical drone operations in Norway
(2022-06-24)The background of this project is a desire at the Oslo University Hospital (OUS) to explore the feasibility of using drones to transport blood samples between two major hospitals in Oslo. The motivation is to achieve ... -
ICT crisis management - actors and roles
(2006)This report is an extended abstract/short version of a similar report in Norwegian. It presents an analysis and overview of the different actors involved in ICT crisis management in Norway. It looks at the responsibilities, ... -
Identification and quantification by GC-MS of Sulphur mustard and related compounds after long time storage in sea water
(2004)Sulphur mustard in sea water undergoes decomposition to different products over time. After two weeks mustard gas is not detected in the sea water nor in the sediment. Ten decomposition products were identified in sea ... -
Identification and quantification of lichenysin – a possible source of food poisoning
(2015)Lichenysin produced by 53 different Bacillus licheniformis strains has been structurally examined with a qualitative liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method using quadrupole-time-of-flight mass ... -
Identification of airborne bacteria by 16S rDNA sequencing, MALDI-TOF MS and the MIDI microbial identification system
(2015)The aim of this study was to collect and identify airborne bacteria in Norway, Sweden and Finland and to compare three different technologies for identifying collected airborne bacterial isolates: the “gold standard” method ... -
Identification of biological threat agents in the environment and its challenge
(2008)A release of pathogenic microorganisms may result in infections either in humans or animals, in which the development of clinical symptoms may be the first alert of a biological incident. Rapid, reliable and efficient ... -
Identification of biological warfare agents - recent progress and future trends
(2015-11-11)This report provides a brief summary of current and developing technologies available for identification of biological threat agents. In addition, some representative examples of bioidentification platforms are given. ... -
Identification of complexes formed between sulphur mustards and arsenic-containing chemical warfare agents
(2024-10-22)Large quantities of toxic chemical warfare material, such as mixtures of sulphur mustard (HD) and arsenic-containing chemical warfare agents (As-CWAs) have been submerged in the Baltic Sea region after World War II. Little ... -
Identification of mixed substances using a random forest regressor to classify THz absorbance spectra
(2018)We report on the development and application of a random forest regressor that not only identifies but also estimates the relative concentrations of substances (one explosive and two simulants), both in one-substance and ... -
Ikke ha fokus på om det er tut eller hank - en studie av jevn kjønnsfordeling blant menige i Luftvernbataljonen på Ørland
(2016-10-10)Fra august 2014 og frem til juni 2016 gjennomførte Luftforsvaret et eksperiment ved Luftvernbataljonen på Ørland flystasjon. Gjennom å kalle inn 50 prosent kvinner og 50 prosent menn til førstegangstjeneste ønsket ledelsen ... -
Ikke-destruktiv metode for test av aktivkullfiltre
(2010)En ikke-destruktiv metode for test av aktivkullfiltre er beskrevet. Metoden er basert på at en ubetydelig mengde av et ufarlig stoff som adsorberes sterkt av filteret, injiseres oppstrøms filteret ved hjelp av en ... -
Ikke-dødelige våpen og internasjonal humanitær rett
(2003)This report evaluates the possible use of non-lethal weapons in the light of international treaty law and customary law pertaining to the legality of various kinds of weapons. The purpose is to determine to which extent ... -
Ikke-statlige aktører og fremvoksende teknologi mot 2050 - utviklingstrekk og konsekvenser for militære operasjoner
(2021-05-19)Ved å bruke fremvoksende og banebrytende teknologier kan voldelige ikke-statlige aktører innen 2050 ha skaffet seg evner til å forårsake skade i en grad som tidligere bare var mulig for statlige aktører. For Forsvaret ... -
Ildledning og navigasjon
(Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt, 2004)På 1960-tallet ble det ved FFI satt i gang utvikling av ildledningssystemer både for Hæren og Marinen. Både Feltartilleriet, Kobben klasse undervannsbåter og Sjøforsvarets nye missiltorpedobåter fikk moderne og effektive ... -
Image-aided inertial navigation for an Octocopter
(2018)A typical unmanned aerial system combines an Inertial Navigation System (INS) and a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) for navigation. When the GNSS signal is unavailable, the INS errors grow over time and eventually ... -
Imaging ground sensor system OPAK
(2003-09-18)Architecture and technology of imaging intrusion detection sensor OPAK are presented. Applications and desired features for IDS and UGS are compared. Started developments of OPAK towards an unattended ground sensor system ... -
Imaging radar for navigation and surveillance on an autonomous unmanned ground vehicle capable of detecting obstacles obscured by vegetation
(2019-09-16)The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI), has developed a multi purpose radar demonstrator for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) on the Off-road Light Autonomous Vehicle (OLAV) platform. The ... -
Imitation learning for modelling air combat behaviour — an exploratory study
(2023-01-13)Fighter pilots commonly use simulators to practice their required tactics, techniques and procedures. The training may involve computer-generated forces controlled by predefined behaviour models. Such behaviour models ...