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Now showing items 460-479 of 2965
D2-3a: System simulator instruction manual
(2017-12-08)VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) is a future maritime communication system. Its development is coordinated by the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA). The system has ... -
D2.1 Scenario template, existing CBRN scenarios and historical incidents
(2011)The overall aim of the project “Preparedness and Resilience Against CBRN Terrorism using Integrated Concepts and Equipment” (PRACTICE) is to improve the ability to respond to and recover from a Chemical (C), Biological ... -
D2.2 Reference set of CBRN scenarios
(2012-08-03)The overall aim of the project “Preparedness and Resilience Against CBRN Terrorism using Integrated Concepts and Equipment” (PRACTICE) is to improve the ability to respond to and recover from a Chemical (C), Biological ... -
D2.3A Critical event parameters
(2012-08-06)The overall aim of the project “Preparedness and Resilience Against CBRN Terrorism using Integrated Concepts and Equipment” (PRACTICE) is to improve the ability to respond to and recover from a Chemical (C), Biological ... -
The Dalton quantum chemistry program system
(2014)Dalton is a powerful general-purpose program system for the study of molecular electronic structure at the Hartree–Fock, Kohn–Sham, multiconfigurational self-consistent-field, Møller–Plesset, configuration-interaction, and ... -
Damper models and their impact on shock response
(2022-10-26)Mechanical vibration and shocks may be devastating, in particular to military equipment. Therefore, vibration and shock damping are of crucial importance to military hardware. Vibrations can cause material fatigue. They ... -
Data acquisition software for Fabry-Perot based fiber Bragg grating interrogation hardware
(2000)This report documents the data acquisition software developed during project 711 “Fiberoptisk Skrogovervåkning” for interrogation of Fabry-Perot filter based fiber Bragg grating interrogation hardware. The report describes ... -
Data leakage from Android smartphones
(2012-06-06)We are in this report giving an overview of what information a smartphone is leaking through normal usage. Our experiment intercepted all traffic, both plain text and encrypted traffic. From this data we examined which ... -
Data loss prevention based on text classification in controlled environments
(2016)Loss of sensitive data is a common problem with potentially severe consequences. By categorizing documents according to their sensitivity, security controls can be performed based on this classification. However, errors ... -
Data-Driven Autocalibration for Swath Sonars
(2020-12-20)Sidelobes in swath sonar water column imagery can obscure targets of interest and create erroneous bottom detections. Differences between ideal and actual element responses limit the achievable sidelobe level for practical ... -
Data-driven behavior modeling for computer generated forces – a literature survey
(2017-12-01)Computer Generated Forces (CGFs) have been used within military simulation-based, training and decision support applications for decades. CGFs are autonomous or semi-autonomous entities that typically represent military ... -
Database for ikke-dødelige våpen : brukerveiledning
(2004)This publication is a user guide to and documentation for FFI's database for Non Lethal Weapon systems, ammunition, technologies and capabilities. The database also contains reference data such as documents, illustrations ... -
Datadistribusjon i divisjonens K2IS
(1997) -
Datainnsamling for analyser av sosiale medier i en totalforsvarssammenheng – metoder og implikasjoner
(2022-07-04)Nasjonale trusselvurderinger i 2022 viser til en økning av statlige aktørers bruk av sosiale me-dier for å spre desinformasjon og utøve påvirkning for å skade demokratiske land. Det er også en markant økning i ikke-statlige ... -
(Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt, 2003)Lenge ble store matematiske beregninger utført ved instituttets matematikkseksjon v.h.a. elektroniske bordregnemaskiner. I 1957 fi kk instituttet sin første digitale datamaskin “Fredric”, som representerte et gjennombrudd ... -
DCI som kosttilskudd til NATO - virkninger og bivirkninger for alliansen og det transatlantiske forhold
(2001)The purpose of this report is to look at possible effects of NATO’s Defence Capabilities Initiative (DCI) on the Alliance itself as well as on the transatlantic relationship. Accordingly, the initiative and its impact are ... -
Decision making in simplified land combat models - on design and implementation of software modules playing the games of Operation Lucid and Operation Opaque
(2000)We present the work done on the stochastic games Operation Lucid and Operation Opaque during FFI project 722, “Synthetic decision making”. These games, designed as simplified land combat simulation models, are defined ... -
The decomposition of ammonium nitrate under fire conditions – a review of ammonium nitrate thermolysis
(2018-06-18)Since the discovery of ammonium nitrate (AN) in the late 17th century, its behavior under heating has been of interest to the scientific community. Following its introduction as a commercially important chemical in ... -
A decomposition solution approach to the troops-to-tasks assignment in military peacekeeping operations
(2019-09-20)This paper considers the Peacekeeping Troops-to-Tasks Problem (PTTP). The PTTP deals with assigning battlegroup resources to a set of tasks associated with a given peacekeeping mission. The tasks may be spread across several ...