Browsing by Title
Now showing items 287-306 of 2965
Calculation of decomposition products from components of gunpowder by using ReaxFF reactive force field molecular dynamics and thermodynamic calculations of equilibrium composition
(2014)The major combustion products from munitions containing nitro-based propellants are water, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and nitrogen. In addition, compounds including hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, methane, nitrogen ... -
Calibration target for extraction of frequency dependency in synthetic aperture sonar
(2019-12-03)Synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) can provide high resolution images of the seafloor backscatter. A current research topic is whether wider bandwidth and lower frequencies can support better discrimination of different ... -
Calprotectin (S100A8/S100A9) and myeloperoxidase: Co-regulators of formation of reactive oxygen species
(2010)Inflammatory mediators trigger polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS: O2-, H2O2, ∙OH). Mediated by myeloperoxidase in PMN, HOCl is formed, detectable in a chemiluminescence (CL) assay. ... -
Camouflage performance of winter uniforms: photosimulations in the visual spectrum
(2023-10-23)Minimizing electro-optical signatures of soldiers against modern sensors is a challenging task, but a task with high importance and benefits for operative soldiers that need to stay undetected. Optimizing camouflage uniforms ... -
Campaigning with partners in the fourth age of SOF – the case of Norwegian – U.S. High North collaboration
(2024-10-11)Special Operations Forces (SOF) need to adapt to a new operating environment, characterized by competition, state-centric threats, and the use of conventional military power. The adaptation is a consequence of the existing ... -
Can the absolute configuration of cyclic peptides be determined with vibrational circular dichroism?
(2023-05-16)Cyclic peptides show a wide range of biological activities, among others as antibacterial agents. These peptides are often large and flexible with multiple chiral centers. The determination of the stereochemistry of molecules ... -
Capacities of metabotropic glutamate modulators in counteracting soman-induced seizures in rats
(2013)The mechanisms underlying insulin sensitivity and fat tissue distribution in chronic renal insufficiency remain unclear. Previous studies have shown the benefits of angiotensin II receptor blockers on moderately nourished ... -
Capture and Release of Minke Whales Offers New Research Opportunities, Including Measurements of Mysticete Hearing
(2024-09)Knowledge about species-specific hearing is vital to assessing how anthropogenic noise impacts marine mammals. Unfortunately, no empirical audiogram exists for any mysticete whale. We therefore developed a catch-and-release ... -
Carbon monoxide (CO) emissions from camping stoves
(2010)Small commercially available camping stoves of four different brands (Optimus, MSR, Coleman and Sigg) were examined for carbon monoxide emission. Without a pot placed onto the stove the carbon monoxide production is very ... -
Card GAP test of Comp A-5
(2008)Comp A-5 pressed to 95.4 %TMD (1.702 g/cm3) has been tested in NOL Card Gap test. The transition between no go and go was found to be 222-3 cards or 56.5 mm. This result indicates that Comp A-5 is relatively shock sensitive ... -
Cardiovascular and thermal strain during 3–4 days of a metabolically demanding cold‑weather military operation
(2017)Background Cardiovascular (CV) and thermal responses to metabolically demanding multi-day military operations in extreme cold-weather environments are not well described. Characterization of these operations will provide ... -
Cascade dynamics of thermomagnetic avalanches in superconducting films with holes
(2015)The submicrosecond dynamics of thermomagnetic avalanches in superconducting films with nonconducting holes (antidots) is considered. When such an avalanche reaches a hole, it is quickly filled with magnetic flux, and often ... -
Causes of terrorism : an expanded and updated review of the literature
(2005)This report presents a critical survey of the academic literature on the causes of terrorism. The study focuses primarily on theories that seek to explain why some societies are more exposed to terrorism than others, i.e. ... -
Cavity expansion theory applied to the penetration of high speed spheres into weak targets
(2002)As a first attempt at identifying a tissue model for use in wound ballistic simulations a study of the deceleration of spherical steel projectiles in soap has been carried out. Experimental data were compared to numerical ... -
CBAM: A Contextual Model for Network Anomaly Detection
(2021)Anomaly-based intrusion detection methods aim to combat the increasing rate of zero-day attacks, however, their success is currently restricted to the detection of high-volume attacks using aggregated traffic features. ... -
CBRNE Accident Coordination Training (CBRNE-ACT) System – technical description
(2024-10-15)The use of computer simulation and virtual environments allow for cost-effective education, training, and exercises. The training audience can be exposed to scenarios that are inaccessible or too dangerous, too complex, ... -
CEP-stable few-cycle pulses with more than 190 μJ of energy at 100 kHz from a noncollinear optical parametric amplifier
(2017)Noncollinear optical parametric amplifiers (NOPAs) have become the leading technique for the amplification of carrier-envelope phase (CEP)-stable, few-cycle pulses at high repetition rate and high average power. In this ... -
Cerebrospinal Fluid Phosphate in Delirium after Hip Fracture
(2017)Aims: Phosphate is essential for neuronal activity. We aimed to investigate whether delirium is associated with altered phosphate concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum. Methods: Seventy-seven patients with ... -
Cetaceans and naval sonar : the 3S-2009 cruise report
(2009)Forsvaret har utrykt behov for å få kartlagt sjøpattedyrs følsomhet overfor sonarsignaler, også atferdsmessige påvirkninger. 3S-konsortiet, som for tiden består av fire partnere, FFI, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ...